Therapies for Cancer Care

As experienced practitioners, we have gained a wealth of experience in working with clients who are undergoing treatments for various forms of cancer, in remission or palliative care.

All clients will need to be G.P. referred, and will also need to complete a health consultation to enable us to tailor treatments to their individual needs.

Therapies available include :
• Aromatherapy

These therapies offer the following benefit to clients :

Touch therapy to soothe and comfort
Improve circulation
Energizes the body and mind
Improves sleep
Reduces fluid retention

We support the Voluntary work at the
Cancer Resource Centre based in Wandsworth, we will continue to support this charity by donating 5% of our profits to the Cancer Resource Centre, Wandsworth in addition to volunteering our time.

This is to enable them to continue to offer support services to clients suffering from cancer.